Welfare & Discipline

Our School has a firm, but fair approach to student welfare and discipline. Our Discipline and Welfare plan promotes self-discipline, positive interaction and behaviour and encourages children to take responsibility for their own actions. We encourage in each child the following appropriate independent behaviour:

Co-operation and Caring, Commitment, Cleanliness, Communication and Courtesy, Consequences


Expected Behaviours at Our School

All students are to:-

  • follow instructions the first time they are given

  • treat people with care when working or playing together

  • take turns to speak so that everyone may contribute

  • understand that people are different in abilities, ideas and appearance

  • discuss problems and seek help from others

  • complete tasks and allow others to do the same

  • walk in school buildings, crowded areas and covered walkways

  • use the crossing and obey the supervisor

  • always use appropriate language (no swearing, sexist or abusive language)

  • finish eating snacks/lunch before playing

  • act in a safe manner at all times

  • move to line quickly at the end of each break

  • remember manners - give way to adults entering rooms etc.

  • care for school environment and place all litter in the bins

  • on wet days children are not to take sports equipment outside (personal or school)


Unaccepted Behaviours at Our School

  • disobedience - not following a teacher’s instruction the first time it is given

  • careless and improper use of equipment in the classroom and playground

  • climbing trees and building structures other than play equipment

  • leaving the school grounds/classrooms without permission and being inside school buildings without teacher permission / supervision

  • riding bikes and skateboarding in the school grounds

  • playing in and around the toilets

  • fighting, bullying, teasing and any other forms of aggressive, dangerous behaviour eg. throwing stones, wielding sticks etc.

  • playing unsafe/aggressive games eg. British Bulldog, Brandy, Martial Arts or War Games/Use of toy guns.


When Behaviour is Unacceptable or School Rules are Broken the following may apply :-

  • discussion and a warning

  • time out from the group

  • removal from own classroom and temporary placement in another classroom or area

  • written or verbal apology

  • loss of privileges (eg. misbehaving during an excursion or sporting event)

  • clean, repair or replacement of equipment if warranted

  • meeting with Parents or Guardians

  • suspension