School Uniform

Killara Primary School has a compulsory school uniform.


All students are expected to wear the uniform each school day. If this is not possible, a note from the parent/carer should be sent to school excusing the child for not wearing uniform on that day.


Our school uniform colours are navy blue and white.
PSW have a store in Sunbury that uniform can be purchased from.

Alternatively, parents can also continue to order online – with delivery to the door!

Regular updates from the Uniform Shop about stock and/or prices will be advertised in the School Newsletter.

Students are required to wear appropriate footwear (school shoes, sneakers or closed toed sandals) at all times. Thongs and open toed sandals are not appropriate and are not to be worn.
To order online visit
Sunbury Store Trading Hours are:
Wed - Fri: 10.00am - 4.00pm
Sat: 10.00am - 1.00pm