Welcome to the website for Killara Primary School.
We hope that by exploring our site you are able to get a sense of who we are, what is important to us and the programs that we offer. You are also always welcome at our school so if you would like to see or learn more about anything you’ve seen on this site please contact the office to arrange for a visit or drop in to have a chat.Our school motto ‘Our Best - Every Child, Every Day’ is at the heart of everything we do at Killara. While we place a strong emphasis on being part of a team, this is achieved through the lens of each individual student being given every opportunity to experience and produce ‘our best’ each day.Killara is built on a strong sense of community and we encourage all members of our school and wider community to have a voice and participate in the programs the school offers. The school has a strong focus on teaching and learning and all staff collaboratively plan together to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to continually develop to their next point of learning need.We are passionate about having a positive impact on the environment and as such, currently hold a 4 Star sustainability rating. Each of our classrooms has two HEROs (Heating, Electricity and Recycling Officers) that ensures their class is not using power when it doesn’t need to and that all food scraps are recycled in the composting bins for our vege patch. We utilise tank water throughout the school to water our garden beds and are also in the process of installing solar panels to support energy use throughout the school.Killara is proud of our connections to the wider Sunbury community and we have long established links to organisations such as Hume Council, the local RSL, Friends of Blind Creek, the Sunbury Men’s Shed, the Boilerhouse Theatre group and local sporting clubs. We are continually looking for ways to encourage our students to be active members of the local community and through these connections our students have had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of community events.Our doors are always open for visitors and we would love the opportunity to share more with you about our school. We look forward to meeting you soon!
Sue Muir